Basilicata Aerospace (CLAS ETS)

Our Mission

Strategic positioning established both in Italy and in Europe through:

the strengthening and coordination of public and private entities network present in the territory, from research centers to industries to Public Administrations
the optimization of decision-making processes and the definition of a global and coordinated strategy that endorses the entire supply chain of the sector

the structuring of a solid and well- defined corporate identity, thanks to a strategic communication plan (internal and external) aimed at increasing the visibility and promotion of CLAS, also at international level, as a single interlocutor for all the reference organizations in the aerospace sector

overcoming fragmentation and occasionality projects and relationships thanks to the implementation of a long – term strategy, which integrates research and development activities with industrial ones. This process would favor a more effective access to national and international participation in policy and lobbying initiatives and the definition of lasting transnational partnerships
the encouragement of national and international mobility of talents and the promotion, in synergy with the University of Basilicata, research institution and companies associated with CLAS, of training activities, development of masters and ad hoc specialized degrees to preserve the highly qualifies human resources present in the Basilicata territory and improve the transfer of knowledge system between production systems