
Strengthen and coordinate of public and private entities network present in the territory


Optimize of decision-making processes and the definition of a global and coordinated strategy


Structure of a solid and well- defined corporate identity


Overcome fragmentation and occasionality projects and relationships


Encourage of national and international mobility of Lucanian talents


The latest news from CLAS


Cte Matera, il 9 maggio l’Innovation Roadshow

Cte Matera, il 9 maggio l’Innovation Roadshow

Martedì 9 maggio 2023 a Casa Cava, in via san Pietro Barisano 47 a Matera, è in programma la terza tappa dell’Innovation Roadshow sul tema “Droni, aerospazio e tecnologie quantistiche” promosso dal Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy -MIMIT e...

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Water Week – il CLAS ETS a Expo Dubai

Water Week – il CLAS ETS a Expo Dubai

Questa mattina il CLAS ETS è stato protagonista, insieme agli altri cluster tecnologici lucani, a Expo Dubai nella settimana della Water Week (21-26 marzo) dedicata alla gestione delle risorse idriche, blue economy, acqua come fonte di sostentamento e di energia...

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Basilicata Aerospace (CLAS ETS)

Our skills

Earth Observation (EO)

EO (Earth Observation) through the prototyping of systems and algorithms for the exploitation of satellite data order to provide services, also in an integrated way with the Matera space geodesy center, with particular attention to the management, control and exploitation of constellations of micro satellites and data acquired.

Internet of Things (IOT)

Internet of Things (IOT) integration of Remote Sensing data and in situ data in order to provide near/real time and monitoring services. Particular attention will be paid to edge computing techniques by exploiting the peculiarities of 5G and preparing for the future 6G format.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI models applied with to satellite data analysis techniques and methodologies integrated with proximity sensing data.
for the development of hardware and software systems with specific capabilities (interaction with the environment, learning and adaptation, reasoning, and planning).

Monitoring and data analysis

Real time systems monitoring and data analysis for preventive and predictive purpose.

Digital TWIN (DT)

Highly complex virtual model, which is the exact replica of its physical counterpart. Used for the digital construction of infrastructures and related SW simulation for transport infrastructure analysis (bridges and viaducts).

High Performance Computing (HPC)

Parallel processing techniques to solve complex computational problems, high-performance calculations for large amounts of data or complex simulation models in order to provide near/real time services.


Production of drones, airborne sensors and production of piston engines for aeronautical use, ASA certified, for design and certification.


Contact us, for any question or suggestion,
using the form on the side or by writing to:
0971 42 74 08

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